《古惑狼赛车》是不少玩家童年的美好回忆,该系列的最新作《古惑狼赛车 氮气加速》现已发售,该游戏的奖杯都要怎么解锁呢,下面小编就为大家带来一篇中文奖杯列表一览,一起来看看吧。 中文奖杯列表一览 ...

《古惑狼赛车》是不少玩家童年的美好回忆,该系列的最新作《古惑狼赛车 氮气加速》现已发售,该游戏的奖杯都要怎么解锁呢,下面小编就为大家带来一篇中文奖杯列表一览,一起来看看吧。

《古惑狼赛车 氮气加速》中文奖杯列表一览


奖杯图标 奖杯详情
《古惑狼赛车 氮气加速》中文奖杯列表一览

#1Woah! (哇哦!)

Earn all the other trophies.
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#2Off to a Good Start (开个好头)

Win your first race in the Adventure Mode.
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#3Crazier than the Ripper (比Ripper更疯狂)

Win against Ripper Roo in the Adventure Mode.
在冒险模式中击败Ripper Roo。
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#4Me Fast, You Slow (我快,你慢)

Win against Papu Papu in the Adventure Mode.
在冒险模式中击败Papu Papu。
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Win against Komodo Joe in the Adventure Mode.
在冒险模式中击败Komodo Joe。
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#6Why don't you get a job? (为什么你不去找份工作?)

Win against PinStripe in the Adventure Mode.
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#7Interstellar Challenge (星际挑战)

Win against Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode.
在冒险模式中击败Nitros Oxide。
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#8Galaxy's Fastest (银河最快速的)

Defeat Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode once and for all.
在冒险模式中再次击败Nitros Oxide
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#9Arena Explorer (竞技场勘探者)

Complete a Crystal Challenge in the Adventure Mode.
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#10Spare Change (给我一些零钱)

Win a CTR challenge in the Adventure Mode.
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#11Sprinter (短跑运动员)

Win a Relic Race in the Adventure Mode.
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#12Booyah, Grandma!

Win a Cup Race in the Adventure Mode.
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#13Relic Collector (纪念物收集者)

Earn all the Relics in the Adventure Mode.
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#14Gem Collector (宝石收集者)

Earn all the Gems in the Adventure Mode.
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#15Token Collector (令牌收集者)

Earn all the CTR Tokens in the Adventure Mode.
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#16Photo Finish (大功告成!)

Win a race with less than 0.3 seconds between you and the second place.
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#17BOOM! (隆隆隆!)

Hit two opponents with a single Bowling Bomb.
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#18Super Boost! (超级加速!)

Do a Super Boost.
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#19Expert Dodger (熟练躲避者)

Win a boss challenge without getting hit by any of the boss' Power-Ups.
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#20Drifter (漂移者)

Drift 15 Times in a row during a race.
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#21Master Drifter (精通漂移)

Successfully use all three Turbo Boost charges 5 times in a row during a race.
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#22Burning Rubber! (燃烧橡胶!)

Drift Boost a total of 500 times.
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#23Yeeee HAW!

Complete the Adventure Mode on the Hard difficulty.
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#24Hyper Speed (超高速)

Finish first when you were last on the final lap.
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#25Rear-viewed (看过后面)

Block an incoming missile with all of the following Power-Ups: Beaker, Crate, Bowling Bomb.
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#26The New Time-Master

Beat all of Nefarious Tropy's times in Time Trial Mode.
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#27Gasmoxian Slug

Beat all of Nitros Oxide's times in Time Trial Mode.
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#28Natural (自然的事)

Win a race without using any Power-Ups.
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Finish first on all tracks. (CTR & CNK)
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#30Can't Hide From Me

Successfully land all three missiles from a Triple Missile Power-Up.
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#31Weapon Technician (武器精通者)

Use every Power-Up once. (Race & Battle Arena)
在比赛 对战竞技场模式使用过每一种力量道具。
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#32Dungeon Vaulter (飞越地牢

Use the shortcut in Cortex Castle.
在Cortex Castle跑道使用捷径。
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#33Arctic Hurdler (北极跨栏者)

Use the shortcut in Polar Pass.
在Polar Pass跑道中使用捷径。
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#34Winter Time Off-Roading

Use all of Blizzard Bluff's shortcuts in the same race.
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#35Pyramid Parkour

Use all of Papu's Pyramid's shortcuts in the same race.
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#36Puddle Hopper 

Use the shortcut in Crash Cove.
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#37Half-Pipe Karting

Use the shortcut in Sewer Speedway.
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#38Let me in!

Use the shortcut in Tiger Temple.
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Use the shortcut in Dragon Mines without being crushed.
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#40I know the way! (我知道这条路!)

Earn all the shortcut trophies.
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#41Juiced Up!

Use all Juiced Up Power-Ups once. (Race & Battle Arena)
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Sustain your boost for a whole lap.
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#43The Dominator!

Win a match in every type of Battle Mode.
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#44Get off me!

Free yourself from a TNT crate.
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#45Alchemist (炼金术士)

Directly hit an opponent with a thrown Beaker Power-Up.
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#46That's How I Roll

Customize your ride.
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#47Is everyone here? (都到齐了吗?)

Unlock all characters from the original roster.
解锁原始名单中的所有 角色
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#48Oh, Shiny!

Complete all Crystal Challenges. (CTR & CNK)
完成所有的水晶挑战。(CTR & CNK)