



关键词: 盲者传说官网 盲者传说攻略
游戏类型: 休闲





It’s the first-ever mobile action-adventure game without video – where ears replace eyes! Discover the original, innovative sensory experience of binaural 3D sound. HEADPHONES ARE COMPULSORY! AUDIO GAME FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE Your eyes will be of no help. So close them, sharpen your hearing and your blade… And embark on an epic, perilous rite of passage. How do you play?  Put on your headphones and use your artphone’s touchscreen like a joystick: - to move around freely; - to fight using your sword; - to defend yourself and protect yourself with your shield during epic fights; - to repel your enemies and perform combos! Live the adventures of Edward Blake, the famous blind knight! Guided by your daughter Louise, you must find your way and avoid the many traps that lie in store in the High Castle Kingdom, while confronting erous enemies! This serious game is fully accessible to visually impaired people, and is aimed at anyone who’s eager for an original, immersive sensory experience through a ground-breaking video game. And because the player is the character, it will help raise public awareness of this kind of disability. It is free to download and was co-created thanks to support from a community of fans who helped with the crowdfunding campaign (www.ulule.com/a-blind-legend) and in a co-production with France Culture, a Radio France station. This hack-and-slash game, with a heroic-fantasy flavour, harnesses the innovative technology of binaural sound, which delivers a gripping 3D soundscape and brings characters and actions vividly to life around the player – as if they were actually in the game! SOME REVIEWS: PC Gamer: “An interesting and enjoyable experience, something worth trying even if you're not visually impaired.” Next Power Up: “It's probably one of the most cleverly designed titles I've experienced in quite some time.” Gameskinny: “A Blind Legend is going to be one heck of an experience.” AFB: “I would recommend that anyone who is interested should download the game and give it a try.” Voxludicus: “The game is worth your attention if you want to try something different for a change.” Tapxrapidly: “The unique take of this game is that you do not need a screen to play, just headphones.” Deepdishent: “Take a shot in the dark and give A Blind Legend a chance. You may be surprised at what you find when you are not looking.”




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画面超赞 运行流畅 动作带感 音效很棒 玩法有趣 剧情狗血 无法运行 有广告


  • 张文涛(842889016)来自于 九游APP 2017-06-20 15:09

    用一个盲人的视角展开、铺述世界,玩法新颖,虽音效单调不尽人意,但值得一玩! 【音画】 主人公的女儿引导的声音距离感很明显,音声的初印象很好。但音效很单调,重复之后使人厌倦。 【玩法】 很新颖的玩法,也正是因此,我在对待游戏开始前的令人不耐烦的数据包下载等了很久。玩家用滑动、双击和点击的方式操作游戏。 【故事性】 没有画面的画面自然是历历在目,也展开了一些故事。 【注意】 要求须接戴耳机。纯英文音频的游戏,没有英文水平玩不起。数据包下载,本人这里不是很快,推荐WI-FI下睡前亮屏定时关机下载。 给英文余额不足的同志的一条明路: 每次进入都验证配带耳机和耳机左侧;游戏给出英语和俄语的选项。菜单中的,本人余额也不足了。。

  • ⭐星爆弃疗斩⭐来自于 九游APP 2016-04-26 11:09


  • 皇城寂雨来自于 九游APP 2016-01-19 12:40
