Catch the Sphere
  •         Catch the Sphere is a game where you (unexpectedly) try to catch the sphere (Info about spheres below). You have 20 spheres to achieve the highest score you pos...

Catch the Sphere

Catch the Sphere
Catch the Sphere is a game where yo [详情]

Catch the Sphere is a game where you (unexpectedly) try to catch the sphere (Info about spheres below). You have 20 spheres to achieve the highest score you possibly can, from which every 7th is special. The score is based on sphere's speed, the faster, the better. Main thing, that will earn your score is modifier. Modifier is the average from your previous scores in streak divided by 25 rounded down. For example if you hit sphere with 135 speed and then 80 speed, you will get score of 535. 135 for the first one (and 5 modifier) and 80*5 for the second one.Note that this game is more like a student projectGame should be working oothly on all devices running Android 2.3.3 and newer.SPECIAL SPHERE'SRed - On tap explodes and gains significant speed boost to close basic sphere's.Yellow - Stops time in an highlighted area for couple of seconds. Every sphere trapped inside keeps the speed points, but isn't moving. !!It might look that highlighted area is wrongly placed, but it's not. It's always on the ground and due to perspective it might look it's weirdly placed!!Invisible - Invisible casts only shadow, Invisible sphere's gain additional score for it's height (Higher means more bonus score). Shadow can be bigger than the actual sphere.Black - If you manage not to tap on this sphere for as long as it lives, your score earned during it's life will be DOUBLED! But if you click on it, you can LOSE SCORE.Blue - Teleporting is it's ability. The faster you get it on new location, the more points you get.Q/AQ: Why there is no sound included?A: Sounds would significantly increase the file size and I have decided it would be better to not include them at all. Play your favorite tracks in background from any music player if you want to listen to something :)Q: Is this game going to be developed any further?A: I am not sure yet, it depends on how popular the game will be. I don't want to invest time into something, that none is going to play.Q: How long did the development take?A: I would say that like a week or so of daily updatingQ: Are there going to be ads?A: Well it's hard to say. I would like to have some extra income from this, but many solutions I found does not fit my requirements of ads. If I implement ads, I don't want them to interfere with the gameplay.


Catch the Sphere游戏截图



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1 地下城与勇士 休闲 37076 下载
2 洛克 休闲 29153 下载
3 笔绘西行 卡牌 27490 下载
4 绝区零 休闲 26793 下载
5 梦幻西游H5 角色扮演 24262 下载
6 萤火突击 射击 23744 下载
7 代号:破晓 动作 23546 下载
8 全明星街球 休闲 23442 下载
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