Carrom Free 3D
  •         Carambol is a table game that can be considered as a modification of the billiard game family. In the world, this game is known by many names, such as carrum, c...

Carrom Free 3D

Carrom Free 3D
Carambol is a table game that can b [详情]

Carambol is a table game that can be considered as a modification of the billiard game family. In the world, this game is known by many names, such as carrum, couronne, carum, karam, karom, karum, and finger billiards ("billiard finger"). The game originated in India and spread to other countries in the 1970s. Different from other table games, the carrom does not wear sticks to move the ball. This game uses all discs instead of balls. The driver is a finger that is sterilized on the disk so that it concerns the target disc. There are many rules in carrom games. But the one that MBDC likes is to play the team so. So 4 people are divided into two teams facing each other. Well, the rules are like this All seeds (including kings) are collected in the middle circle The seeds are still in the middle dilingakran can not be directly flicked with beater batter, the meaning must ditkanok so. The flickering position may not exceed the straightest line that is closest to the player If you already have a seed that comes out, players also can not flick directly, unless you enter one of the seeds by tektok. The seeds that are in the all box near the hole also can not be flicked directly (must tektok), except Players who already include the seeds eg red, then he and one temennya must include red seeds. Entering the opponent's seed is an opponent's advantage. But there is also a rule that says that the seed must be reversed to the middle circle, and which includes punishment dapet. The seeds of the king can not get out of the circle until one of the colored seeds only 1. If one player breaks the rules like ngeluarin king prematurely, nyentil directly before entering tektok, enter the beater batter then the team must mengembalikin again seeds that already included. But if the player has not entered a single seed, then counted minus. The team that managed to enter the seeds of the most cepet king, came out as the winner. How, already understand how to play? Let's play.


Carrom Free 3D游戏截图



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