8 Bug

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8 Bug

8 Bug电脑版

关键词: 8 Bug官网 8 Bug攻略
游戏类型: 休闲

电脑版下载(在电脑上玩8 Bug)




8 BugBeta versionYou crack your screen, all hell breaks loose.Some electronic components will take every opportunity to detach themselves from your device circuit board and jump out of the hole. A bug (8-Bug) might crawl out too. Your task is to slide all the electronic components back into the hole where they belong, except the 8-Bug and resistors (obstacles).To slide a component, you only need to rotate and tilt your device (cell phone/tablet). When a component comes out from the hole for the first time, it has an electrical charge to move around for 100 seconds. To score, each component has to be back into the hole before it runs out of its energy. For bonus points, you can get it recharged up to 120 seconds by passing it through a battery.When coming out of the hole, a component will go through a 3-second transition from an energy-like state to a solid state before you could slide it. A component could resuce after 12 seconds since the last time it fell back into the hole.Switching pages from Settings to Game Selections, to Game, and to High Score can simply be done by swiping the screen. If you get lost, just use the Back button to go back to the game page.You could create your owned custom game by selecting which components, 8Bug(s), and resistors you want to use. And, you could define your owned game rules. This custom game settings allows you to create variety of games that can be played solo or with friends.To start a game, you need to tap your screen to locate the crack/hole. Just follow the on-screen instructions.CREDITS:Integrated with Immersion Haptic Effects.



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画面超赞 运行流畅 动作带感 音效很棒 玩法有趣 剧情狗血 无法运行 有广告
