6 Marbles

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6 Marbles

6 Marbles电脑版

关键词: 6 Marbles官网 6 Marbles攻略
游戏类型: 休闲

电脑版下载(在电脑上玩6 Marbles)




How '6 Marbles' works:Use the two buttons at the bottom corners of your screen to tilt the bar, and roll the ball in the desired direction.Try to get your ball into the target hole at the top marked by the yellow rings, while avoiding all other holes.Each time your ball enters a hole, a new hole will appear in a random location. If your ball enters any hole other than the target hole, then you lose that ball.Your score increases by 1 point each time you get a ball into the target hole.If you score 5 points then all but the start holes will be removed, 1 random hole will open, and the bar will increase in speed.That will occur every 5 points earned up to a score of 50 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.), after you reach 50 points then you need 10 points to remove any holes. (60,70,80,etc.)Once you have lost all of your marbles, then your score will be submitted to the leader-board (if you are connected to the internet), so do not exit early.WARNING: While this game is family friendly and intended for all ages, there is user input for the player's name. I use a filter on the user names for the leader-board, but some users may try to work around the filter and post offensive names. I apologize for any names found that are deemed offensive by Google standards, as efforts have been made to avoid that. If you see a name on the leader-board that is offensive or violates any Google rules, then send me an email with the subject "bad names - 6 marbles", and I will remove their entry from the leader-board and include the offensive name in the filter. ThanksHave Fun, and Good Luck!Brian Woodward



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画面超赞 运行流畅 动作带感 音效很棒 玩法有趣 剧情狗血 无法运行 有广告
